From thee wall of love >>>i sing you a song of love and hope!
Love is free and whatever you wanna be love is free!!!
Sare Rane takes a ride on thee cosmic train and makes a sweet video for the song Positive Poetry by Larry Yes
Sare Rane takes a psy·che·del·ic take on the song try by Larry Yes filmed in some strange parking lot in italy!!
Larry Yes "Take Me to Yr. Spaceship" live at Hybridaspace in Udine, Italy, 2006. Film by Liz Goetz, 2011. The title track from the album of the same name.
A great Night In Taos New Mexico!!
Larry yes live at thee Quiet Music Festival of Portland @ Disjecta June 24th 2016 featuring Nate Lumbard and Michael Hurley.
Sare Rane made this video for Larry Yes at The Barn in Northern New Mexico (north of Questa). It is both music video and homage to one of the most amazing analog recording studios.
Sare Rane is insrpired to make a Sesame Street style video and joy is followed by fun!! Thanks for all of our lovely friends who let us come into their homes to film them doing the dishes taking out the trash and sweeping the floor!! It felt great!!
This is a video Larry and Sare shot together a couple of years ago while living in NYC. Larry bought the Magic Garden for me on Christmas and then we got a wild hair to record real-time lapse and the rest is history.
Bob Corn teams up with thee amazing and sweet Banda Rulli Frulli to sing a Larry Yes song and every time Larry Hears and sees this video Tears of Joy fall from his eyes!! a real treat!!
larry yes and nate lumbard live from thee basement of creation!